Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Makers of Things is stunningly brilliant

So I’ve had this webpage open in a browser tab for a while now. It’s too beautiful to close, and too inspiring not to share. I knew sooner or later I’d get around to posting about it here.

The Makers of Things is a documentary project by London-based producer/director Anne Hollowday. The series of short films looks at people who make, and how we are intrinsically tied to what we do and build. It looks at the workshops of members of the Society of Model and Experimental Engineers and is so beautifully done, I get lost in the short films.

View the full project, with the other films, at the The Makers of Things website.

Old shoes provide fuel for some beautiful animation from ManvsMachine

Growing up in the greater metropolis of the Nike empire, my high school was one of the early testing grounds for Nike’s “Grind”, which was kind of cool, except for that year that they realized the field was way too hard and that’s why people were breaking so many bones and they had to replace the entire field… but I digress. The technology has come a long way, and this minute-long video from ManvsMachine Design & Motion Studio in London promoting Nike’s Reuse-A-Shoe campaign is pretty beautiful.

The animation is gorgeous, the music is spot-on, and the voiceover works beautifully as well. Nice when it all comes together.

Check out the full project page over at ManvsMachine’s site.

[via CreativeBloq]

Celebrate Color: 50 years with PANTONE [infographic]

Color drives the world. And to celebrate color (and their 50 year anniversary), Pantone has put together a look at the history of color in fashion and design.

Simplistic and colorful with the expected Pantone color swatches and brand logos, but it’s an interesting visual depiction of the last fifty years of color. Cool stuff.

[via Pantone]

‘Little Big Details’ or, ‘Oh my god we’re back again’

'Little Big Details' or, 'Oh my god we're back again'

So today, three different people asked me if I was still keeping up with my blog.

the answer was obvious. But why? I’m not certain. so here it goes again. Hopefully back to the fervent regularity that it once had. we shall see.

So for the moment, a source of inspiration:

Little Big Ideas.

A source of inspiration, looking at the details that make up the way users interact with programs. Direct impact to photography, art, and other things that intrigue me? Not on the surface. but deep down, some of this stuff changes the way we think in the subtlest ways. Worth browsing through with an open mind.

Breaking the communication silence (celebrity chefs are so hot right now)

Man. things have changed. WordPress has devolved in the last year (or two). Nothing against wordpress but it makes me realize how much things have changed. Why am I back? two of my favorite things have come together in yet another brilliant ESPN commercial.

what can I say? I love the chef.

Charlie Sheen… need I say more?

Sometimes this just feels like one big publicity stunt… but I’m not really complaining. Check out… quite possibly one of the best random quote generators known to man.

Music video of the week: Exploring an animated universe with Fictionist

I’m in love with this video. Often, I find that creatively animated music videos fall short of actually melding with the music they’re supposed to be complementing. This one, on the other hand, is just perfect. The track is “Blue Eyed Universe” by Fictionist, and the stunning animation is from Eric Power of Clear Productions. Stunning. and has made my day.

Happy 4th of July!

with a bizarrely frightening message courtesy of the CPSC:

I’m not sure if I’m more scared of the fireworks or the manequines. Either way, have a good Fourth!

Simple Can Work

when simple can (and does) work.

done in Portland, Maine for the New England Salvation Army. more details over at Osocio.

the art of relocation or climbing the siskiyous in a u-haul

Sorry for the unannounced lack of posting. I’m currently somewhere between Portland and New Mexico, with all of my belongings in the back of a U-Haul.
u-haul'in over Lake Shasta
Assuming the internet exists in southern New Mexico, posting should resume in a few days.