Editing photos with Picnik (and trying to part with my stuff)


So I have a hard time getting rid of stuff. No question about it. As much as I’d like to do something as monumental and brillaint as John D. Freyer with All My Life For Sale, Lately, I’ve just been putting a few things up on Craigslist, along with seemingly everyone else in the world. And what do most Craigslist ads need? Pictures!

I’m a photographer at heart (and by profession when things go well) so I sometimes feel like it’s my duty to edit every single photo I ever take. whether it’s merely reducing size for better web communication, or drastically altering composition and visual dynamic of photographs. I also feel obligated for some reason to use Photoshop, and I’ve been playing around with CS3 a great deal lately. but in preparing photos for Craiglist, (and most other things, really) I find myself turning more and more to Picnik.

Picnik is an on-line flash-based photo editor with a beautiful interface and a bounty of utility. From cropping, resizing, and rotating, to color correction and special effects, Picnik is versatile and powerful in ways that put it in the realm close to… dare I say it?… Photoshop itself. The other key feature in my application is the ability to upload edited photos to flickr, to save to the desktop, to upload to other sharing sites like Facebook and Picasa (meh…), and to e-mail to websites like Photobucket. My desktop is feeling lonely now that I can edit, save, upload, and post photos via a stellar and powerful web app. If you haven’t tried playing with Picnik yet, give it a shot.

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