Bravia, Play-Doh, Rabbits, oh my! The Colors!

So I wrote in anticipation of the Play-doh Sony Bravia spot a few weeks ago. I guess more than a few people knew of my anticipation, as I recieved several e-mails, several text messages, and even a phone call to make sure I knew that the spot I was waiting for has finally arrived.

So it’s here, and I have to say all of my anticipation, hopes, dreams, and all that other stuff came true. I’m downright impressed. I had mixed feelings (as i mentioned previously) after the second spot in the series (the Glasgow Paint spot) which I felt was lackluster, confusing, and didn’t really have a whole lot of feeling. This, on the other hand, is exactly what I feel the Colour Like No Other campaign should be (and is) about. It takes the emotion and feelings that were so dramatic in the Balls spot, but twists it in a different buy almost equally strong fashion. different feeling and music, somehow reflective and appropriate for the times, it just feels right to me.

I know some people love or hate it, and I can understand most of the points people have (animation quality/style, music choice, message, etc), but I have to say that I actually like a lot of the choices that many seem to dislike, and on the whole, I’m pretty impressed, and not at all disappointed. It just kind of made my day, I think.

[ for the high-res spot, check out the Bravia site here]

2 responses to “Bravia, Play-Doh, Rabbits, oh my! The Colors!

  1. Love the new Bravia commercial, but I’m still partial to the balls one with the Jose Gonzalez song. Fallon is still doing these ads? Someone told me that they lost the account after the balls & paint spots. Glad that it wasn’t true cuz I love the stuff they’re doing for them.

    Impressed as well.

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