Monthly Archives: July 2008

Mailbox! Open Mailbox!

I thought i had posted this already, but apparently I had only e-mailed it to a few friends… enjoy.

check out the higher quality version here via College Humor.

Hyperdunk launch > billboard controvery > W+K blog controversy

The highly anticipated Kobe’s signature Nike Hyperdunk launhed last week, complete with tons of controversy which seems to be more and more common these days. The Billboards were proclaimed as insensitive to homosexual men and African-Americans. Nike and W+K then pulled the ads. Simultaneously, W+K made a simple post on their house blog consisting of a Gawker screen-cap and a headline reading “Hypersensitive Y’all?” As you can imagine, people weren’t too thrilled with that response from W+K (just check out the comments on the W+K blog post).

Maybe I’m just insensitive, but all of these ads getting pulled recently because of “insensitivities” (like the Mr. T/snickers ad last week) just seems a bit odd (and almost humorous). It seems somewhat fitting that W+K would make a blog post like that… it just seems to be in-line with the slight bizarreness of it all.

Oreos + Milk + Elevator = awesomeness?

In case you haven’t seen it yet, I figured I’d post up this new campaign for Oreo, done by DraftFCB, New York. It’s been getting a ton of buzz on ad blogs and the like, so I feel obligated to spread it further. Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about it… I guess it’s creative, but I feel like it’s nothing earth-shattering. Maybe it’s in part because I’m not a big fan of Oreos. and I’m mildly lactose-intolerant.

if you think this is the greatest thing ever, how about you let me know why… so I can better understand. Otherwise, It just seems like one more smart use of media that’s slightly unexpected. I’ll give it that much.

Mr. T wants you to Get Some Nuts, again.

Anybody who knows me well, or any regular reader of this blog, probably knows of my infatuation with Mr. T and all that he stands for. I can’t count the number of times I watched the spot with Mr. T in a tank for snickers. And without any more introduction, the most recent Mr. T/Snickers/GetSomeNuts spot:

Darzacq’s photography is astounding

Since I first stumbled across the photography of Dennis Darzacq, I was impressed. Somewhat of a modern interpretation of Cartier-Bresson, Darzacq’s capturing of the moment (albeit constructed) is astounding. Just recently, this documentary on Darzacq has surfaced on youtube, and has reinvigorated my passion for his work, and inspired me to go take a few photos.

McDonalds is Eggcelent in the morning!

I’ve been a big fan of most of the creative billboards that Leo Burnett Chicago has been turning out for McDonalds of late, like the breakfast sun dial and the salad billboard. This one follows closely in step, with a giant mechanical egg that cracks first thing in the morning, revealing a yolk with “Fresh Eggs Daily” printed on it at the same time as McDonalds will be cooking up fresh eggs. The egg closes back up by 10:30, when breakfast eggs are no longer available and stays shut until the next morning. Brilliant translation/vizualisation of such a simple idea.

Western Spaghetti: pasta like never before

Western Spaghetti is the newest short film released by PES, who you may remember as being responsible for the Sneaux Human Skatboard spot last year. The awesomeness factor is pretty high, yet on the whole, it’s frightfully simple. Amazing what can be done with a bit of creativity and a bit of time. Check out all of the PES films over at

Jesus! Look at the time!

This made my day. I don’t think I need to say anymore. except you can buy it here if you really want.

Nike + Federer + a coach = beautiful commercial

Roger Federer, while busy with Wimbledon, has appeared in a newly released TV spot for Nike. You may recognize the Coach asĀ  New Zealand comedian Rhys Darby from Flight of the Conchords. Anyway, it’s a bizarre spot that kept me laughing for quite a while. It all ties together beautifully if not a bit bizarrely.